“Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.”
– Ryunosuke Satoro
WisdomAllies: Our Generous Circle of Advisors
We’d like to acknowledge and celebrate our circle of advisors, our beloved WisdomAllies. We met most of these extraordinary people when they invited us to create musical enhancements of their work. Our relationships deepened in ways that continue to profoundly influence and strengthen our mission.
We invite you to learn more about these remarkable people. All of them believe in systems-based, multi-dimensional, and holistic approaches to solving problems and serving the greater good. Most importantly, they believe in the power of music to create a more compassionate, interdependent world. We’re deeply grateful for their consistent and generous source of support, wisdom, and love.

Jeff Vander Clute
Strategic intuitive, new paradigm business and entrepreneurial consultant, co-founder of Sourcing the Way.

Scott Coady
Leadership Coach. Globally acclaimed business consultant, founder of the institute for Embodied Wisdom.

Hope Fitzgerald
Acclaimed spiritual guided and intuitive. Holder of wisdom reflected in the Infinity Wave, a spiritual tool for awakening.

Sarah McCrum
Mentor, Creative partner. Internationally known business coach, consultant and best-selling author of Love Money, Money Loves You.

Lisa Rafel
Sound and Music Healing Expert, Spiritual Guide. Creative partner on all projects related to enhancing the beginning of life.

David Surrenda, PhD.
Mentor, Guide, Leadership and Organizational Development consultant serving leading multi-national companies such as Google, Sony, Microsoft, and others.

Lynne Twist
Mentor, Networking Samurai. Co-founder of the Pachamama Alliance and author of The Soul of Money.

Holly Thomas
Content strategist, editor, writer, poet, author of Pluck Another Apple, Eve, and Finish it.
“In over 40 years I’ve never experienced any transformational music and media as powerful as the work Wisdom of the World Wellness creates.”
Bob Proctor, Motivational Speaker and Author