Alchemical Wisdom

“The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart.”

– Helen Keller

Why Was Alchemical Wisdom Created?

Your most valuable human asset is the capacity to be present to the miracle and preciousness of life. Whether you call it God, Spirit, All That Is, or Mother Nature, having some kind of relationship with the humbling forces that evoke awe can give you an irrefutable connection to a sense of meaning that can help you live a more fulfilling life.

In these times of fear-based media, digital overwhelm, and fragmented attention spans, taking regular time-outs from the demands on your attention is one of the best gifts you can give yourself. That’s why we’ve created “Alchemical Wisdom.” It delivers a transformational experience that can transform the stresses in your life into spaciousness and gratefulness.

When you give yourself time to experience our alchemical wisdom, you will generate states of well-being that help you show up like you never have before. You’ll remember who you are and connect with what matters most.  

What is Alchemical Wisdom, Really?

Every time you turn on the news, you can see that our world is currently experiencing a Wisdom Deficit of profound proportions. However, just a few minutes of listening to Alchemical Wisdom gives you a direct experience of authentic compassion and emotional depth. Even more importantly, listening to these tracks can awaken your own innate wisdom. Your innate wisdom is always available within you, waiting to be experienced and expressed whenever you’re ready to share it.

We created these intimate messages from people who embody compassion, authenticity, and emotional intelligence because they model the healing power of presence. This presence provides true spiritual nourishment for all who yearn for meaning and compassion in these challenging times.

We invite you to integrate Alchemical Wisdom into your daily contemplative practice to inspire your mind, touch your soul, and heal your tender heart.

Discover the power of this alchemical wisdom for yourself… and let us know how it affects your life by emailing us at [email protected].


We’ll Help You Say What It’s Time to Say

“Life is no “brief candle” for me. It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got hold of for the moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations…My life belongs to the whole community, and as long as I live it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can.”

– George Bernard Shaw

People are hungry for integrity and authenticity. Years of unethical leadership and betrayals in both corporate and public sectors have left many people dispirited and mistrustful. In the face of such challenges, the true leaders of our time are stepping up.

To lead a change, you need a story and a message. Our Living Legacies tell your story by combining your words and passion with our custom music and video imagery. The result is a multi-media experience that conveys the essence of your “why” and the inspiration behind your “how.”

From there it’s up to you to use your Living Legacy anywhere it can support your work: social media, broadcast media, board rooms, annual meetings, conferences, classrooms, and arenas.

This example might inspire you:

Living Legacies can have a huge impact on stakeholders and employees, movements, non-profits, communities, and society.

“If not now, when? And if not you, who?”
– Hillel the Elder

Is this your time? To explore producing a Living Legacy, contact Gary Malkin, founder of Wisdom of the World Wellness: [email protected].

“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you really are.”

-Carl Gustav Jung